Wednesday, 6 July 2016

5 Moves To Help Prevent Knee Pain

Gradyreese / Getty Images

Knee pain is one of the most common complaints among gym-goers, and it’s no wonder—between weight-bearing exercises and high-impact workouts like running, they take a beating for us. Knee issues aren’t an inevitable fate, though—by incorporating some strategic exercises into your routine, you can ward off aching knees and keep crushing your workouts, pain-free. 

“Poor hip control and poor activation of core musculature, like the abdominals, glutes, and hip rotators, can place mechanical stress on the knee,” explains Jennifer Solomon, M.D., a physiatrist at the Hospital for Special Surgery and former team physician for the United States Tennis Association (USTA).

That’s why strengthening these muscles is key. When your hip and glute muscles are weak, your knees may compensate and take on more of that stress during your workout, she explains. And that can lead to knee pain and injuries over time.

To help prevent achy knees, Solomon recommends starting with a proper warm-up. (Here’s an example of a perfect five-minute warm-up.) “Work on activating your core musculature prior to performing your workout,” says Solomon. Then, incorporate the following exercises into your routine. “The most important thing to remember is quality over quantity,” Solomon notes. Suggested reps are below, but only do as many as you can to maintain proper form, she says, and increase as needed. Of course, always check in with your doctor for personal recommendations, and stop if you feel any sharp pains.

The post 5 Moves To Help Prevent Knee Pain appeared first on SELF.

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