Friday, 24 June 2016

How To Do A Perfect Plank That’ll Strengthen Your Core Like No Other

Jacob Ammentorp Lund / Getty Images

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, planks are an exercise you’re probably pretty familiar with—after all, sometimes it feels like they’re in every fitness class ever. Basic as they may seem, though, there’s actually a lot that goes into the perfect core-shaking, ab-quaking plank. And the better your form, the better your results.

There are endless plank variations—side planks, forearm planks, you name it—but high planks are probably the most pared-down version of this challenging exercise. “The high plank targets the core, which is your body’s stabilizer,” says NYC-based trainer Courtney Paul, an instructor at RIPPED Fitness. But it’s a great total-body move—when you’re in proper form you’ll also be working your arms, butt, and legs.

Nailing the high plank can help you crush more challenging variations of the move down the road (this advanced plank, anyone?). Here’s how it’s done:

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High Plank


Valerie Fischel

  • Start on the ground, hands and knees shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your knees off the ground and push your feet back, bringing your body to full extension.
  • Once you’re there, make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart to start. This will help you feel more stable in the position, having your feet closer together will make the exercise more challenging.
  • Keeping a tight core is key here. “Envision your navel going to your spine while slightly tucking your pelvis,” says Paul. And keep those hips lifted! You want to create one long line that connects your shoulders, hips, and ankles.
  • To keep your neck and spine in a neutral position, try aiming your chin about six inches in front of your body.
  • Keep your palms directly below your shoulders and pressing against the ground.
  • Think length—imagine that you’re extending from the crown of your head and out through your heels simultaneously.
  • And don’t forget to keep your entire body engaged so tighten your quads and push through your palms.
  • Aim to hold this position for 30 to 45 seconds, and work your way up to 60 to 90 seconds once you get stronger. Oh, and remember to keep breathing!

We’re calling this move high plank to distinguish it from a forearm plank, but you can totally just call it a plank if you want. Now, is your core on fire yet? Great—time to move into your next plank variation. Kidding…kind of.

You may also like: 12 ultra-effective arm exercises you can do at home:

The post How To Do A Perfect Plank That’ll Strengthen Your Core Like No Other appeared first on SELF.

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